Site Licenses
Site licenses are for any number of computers at one location, like a single building on a college campus, one business address, or a school address. The license is only for one platform (e.g. Macintosh). This allows the license owner to copy the software too, but s/he cannot change anything about it.

This Site License does not grant Licensee the right to copy the Software for use at any location of Licensee other than the Site. 

The Site license does not grant licensee the right to make multiple copies of The Software on any other Platform, nor multiple copies of other programs of theliquidateher. 

And licensee must not copy or reproduce in any manner the documentation accompanying The Software.  Licensee may obtain additional copies of those materials for a nominal charge from theliquidateher for use in connection with this Site License.

Site licenses are available for all of our products. Call for details.

Site license orders may be faxed (541-349-8694) or mailed. They must come on an official school/business/govt. purchase order. If you have further questions, call 541-431-0592 after 2PM PST.